Jakarta The press around the world is facing increasingly greater challenges due to several reasons, including the latest developments in artificial intelligence (AI), President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated.”We are not the only ones feeling this, as the press in all countries is feeling the same that they face more challenges since we cannot stop the (development) of the digital world,” Jokowi remarked while opening the 25th Congress of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) at the State Palace here on Monday.
The president spoke of having often heard that the media industry was currently not doing well due to the arising challenges, one of which is AI development.
t the G20 India Summit on September 9-10, 2023, Jokowi said, at least six major countries had spotlighted the issue of AI. The head of state drew attention to the fear harbored by several countries over the developments in AI.
“I see there is a great fear of artificial intelligence, and the regulation related to it is always late due to the emergence of new developments that precede it,” he remarked.
ccording to the president, the latest development is generative AI that threatens several human jobs.
“Everyone knows we can use AI to create narrative scripts and even to present news,” the president emphasized.
In the wake of those threats, Jokowi underscored the need for a holistic and comprehensive regulation on digital transformation.
That regulation should cover industries closely related to digitalization, such as the creative industry and micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), he emphasized.
Jokowi explained that the government had recently decided to strictly separate social commerce from social media platforms.
He emphasized that technological developments should be able to create new economic potential and not kill the existing economies.
“Once again, a more holistic comprehensive regulation on digital transformation must be made, and the government is preparing this,” he remarked.
Source: Antara News Agency