Hey! Tomorrow, gasohol 91 will decrease by 2.50 baht/liter.

Bangkok, PTT Station – Bang Chak adjusts the retail price of gasoline and gasohol GSH91 down 2.50 baht per liter, ULG95 GSH95 and premium GSH95 down 1.00 baht per liter, E20 and E85 down 0.80. baht per liter, while for Premium Diesel and the Diesel group remain unchanged, effective 7 Nov. 2023 after 12:00 a.m. onwards.

The retail prices will be as follows: ULG = 45.04, GSH95 = 37.25, E20 = 35.14, GSH91 = 35.48, E85 = 35.29, Premium GSH95 = 44.04, HSD-B7 = 29.94, HSD-B10 = 29.94, Premium Diesel B7 = 41.54 baht per liter. The above retail price does not include Bangkok maintenance tax.

Source: Thai News Agency