MOFA Minister Wu gives exclusive interview to Sweden’s Sveriges Radio

Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu said Taiwan is committed to enhancing national defense capabilities while working with like-minded partners to strengthen the democratic line of defense against China’s authoritarian expansion.

Wu made the remarks during an interview with Bjorn Djurberg for an article published March 13 on the website of Stockholm-based Sveriges Radio and a segment aired on several of the broadcaster’s news programs.

According to Wu, China used the visit by then-U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last August as an excuse to launch military exercises in waters surrounding Taiwan, send warplanes across the median line of the Taiwan Strait and conduct cognitive warfare in an attempt to destabilize society.

Beijing also attempts to disrupt the cross-strait status quo by claiming to global audiences at international events that the Taiwan Strait is not an international waterway and that Taiwan is part of China, Wu said. All these ruses show that China’s threats are real and severe, he added.

Wu said China’s ambition does not stop at Taiwan, as Indo-Pacific countries and other parts of the world will all be affected if hostilities break out across the strait.

Wu said the determination of Ukrainian people to fight against Russia’s invasion and seek global support for their cause are very inspiring to Taiwan.

The minister said the government is working comprehensively to strengthen Taiwan’s self-defense capability. It is important for China to understand the consequences of threatening Taiwan, he said, adding that no one benefits from war, including China.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan)