“Pitha” ready to open the way for Pheu Thai If you can’t go far enough to set up a government

“Pitha” posted a clip to thank the people – the parliament, 324 votes for the Prime Minister. Announcing the launch of a campaign to solve Section 272, cut off the power of senators, together with the prime minister’s vote battleground Shouts if he fails to move forward and form a government ready to open the way for Pheu Thai July 15, 2023 Mr. Pita Limcharoenrat far-reaching party leader Prime Minister Candidate Publish video clips on social media. He thanked the 324 parliamentarians, especially the 13 senators, who voted in favor of him as prime minister. knowing that Many senators faced tremendous pressure from this decision. most important He would like to thank you for all your energy. Support from all people But I must apologize to everyone that we have not succeeded yet.

Mr. Phitha continued that, however, as the political party that received the number one vote in the election The Kao Klai Party has a mission to be responsible to the people. is to establish a government Today we try to do everything according to the democratic way. for the voice of the people to be heard The will of the people is respected. This is a common fight. Not just for the Progressive Party and the 14 million votes who chose the Progressive Party. It’s not just the struggle of 8 parties, representatives of 27 million votes, but it’s the struggle of the Thai people across the country. To confirm that the voice of the people must be the voice that determines the future of this country.

“Let us continue walking together. form a people’s government But we don’t have much time left. Because I know that Thailand can go on without a people’s government like this for a long time. under this limited time We have a few chances left. who have to fight together in 2 battles to lead to the successful establishment of a government according to public opinion

first battle What will happen in the next 4 days is the Prime Minister’s vote on July 19, 2023 and the second battle. It is a proposed amendment to section 272 of the constitution to cut the power of senators to choose the prime minister forever. Both battlegrounds will never be won. If we cannot change the mind of the senators to be on the side of the people

So I ask all citizens to join me on missions in these two battles. By sending a message to the senator in every way, every way that you can think of. I repeat, I want to be creative. Please invite senators to vote for the prime minister according to public opinion. Or vote to cancel Section 272 to return power to the people.”

The leader of the Kao Klai Party said that if we do our best in these 2 battles, it is clear that The Progressive Party does not really have the opportunity to be a leader in forming a government. He is ready to open the opportunity for Thailand. By opening the way for the second party, Pheu Thai Party, to lead the establishment of a coalition government of 8 parties under the MOU made together. And every representative of the Progressive Party is ready to support the prime ministerial candidate. of the Pheu Thai Party

However, the party leader has gone a long way. said at the end of the video clip that “But until that day We definitely won’t give up. And ask everyone to come together and fight to get to the end. I alone or the Progressive Party alone cannot change the minds of the senators and lead to the establishment of a people’s government. Therefore, we must ask for strength from all of you to join us in doing the mission so that we can successfully establish a people’s government. The future of the party in forming a government is in the hands of all of you. Let’s help each other send a message to change the mind of senators together. Thank you. ” – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency