We Charming recalls beauty cream contaminated with estrogen

Taoyuan-based firm We Charming has issued a recall for its “Allergic Skin Cream” beauty cream after an investigation found the product to be contaminated with estrogen.

In a statement issued Friday, We Charming said it had reviewed the manufacturing process for Allergic Skin Cream — marketed as an anti-aging beauty cream for sensitive skin — in the wake of customer complaints that children who had used the product entered early puberty.

We Charming said it was informed by a customer that her daughter and classmates enter early puberty after they used the product in July and August, prompting it to ask the producer to review what the components were in the product.

The products in question were accidentally adulterated with estrogen, a group of reproductive hormones, in the manufacturing process, the company said, citing an investigation by another company in September that produces the cream.

As a result of the investigation, We Charming issued a recall for any Allergic Skin Cream products with batch codes 0538, 1532 and 1533.

The manufacturers could face a fine of between NT$20,000 to NT$5 million (US$623 to US$155,600) for using the banned ingredient in cosmetics, the Food and Drug Administration said Saturday.

Doctor warning

Prior to the recall, pediatrician Huang Shih-kang (黃世綱) said in a social media post that parents should avoid using beauty creams — particularly those advertised as “anti-aging” or “perfect” skin — on their children to treat skin conditions.

According to Huang, recently many parents have sought a medical consultation with pediatric endocrinologists for children as young as 2 or 3 years old who displayed signs of precocious sexual development after using the same skin cream.

In extreme cases, children below the age of 4 began developing breasts and having their first periods, said Huang, who works at the Mackay Memorial Hospital in Taipei.



Source: Focus Taiwan News Channel