“Anutin” rejects the secret deal “Kao Klai-Nevin” ready to be the opposition

Bangkok, June 24 – “Anutin” rejected the secret deal “Kao Klai-Ne Win”, pointing out the opportunity to vote for “Pita” negative and confirmed that he had not yet been nominated for the council’s chairmanship. ready to serve as the opposition

Anutin Charnvirakul, Member of Parliament and leader of the Bhumjaithai Party travel to receive a certificate of MPs, ready to give an interview that Tomorrow (June 25) there will be a meeting of party MPs, like an orientation, because there are both old MPs and new MPs who must get to know each other. understand each other Find a way to build unity. Understand the party culture How is the care of the people in the form of Bhumjaithai Party? must be discussed at the party meeting on June 25 This, but there is no agenda on voting for the chairman of the council. and the Prime Minister’s vote This story still has time. Now, the Bhumjaithai Party is doing as it has been telling the news all along, congratulating the parties that have been elected first, second, and all parties. But party political etiquette First, it is forming a government. must allow him to form a government smoothly and most neat We should not go into political movements to organize anything. until there is a problem which until now still no problem We act as a party following the timeline.

When asked about the government’s formula, “Mee Pride Thailand, no progress,” what is the fact? Mr. Anutin said there was nothing to explain. because it is not fact If there is pride in Thailand, there must be every party in the House of Representatives. can’t be without anyone When there is an election, there must be Thai pride. As for the consolidation of the government, it must be in accordance with the intentions of the party that has issued a statement. This is like a contract. like the intent that we must follow

When asked if there was news that the party had advanced to a secret deal with Mr. Newin Chidchob to vote for Mr. Phitha Lim Chareonrat As Prime Minister, Mr. Anutin said that the possibility was equal to zero to negative. If you want to deal with Bhumjaithai Party, you have to deal with people. If you go there, you’re going to the wrong place. Everything goes according to plan. As for himself, he followed the path. Bhumjaithai Party followed all etiquette. If going to deal with Mr. Ne Win Mr. Nevin had to come back and ask him anyway. Can the party decide on its own? Everything must always go to the party meeting.

When asked if Have you consulted with Mr. Newin or not? Mr. Anutin said that we talk every day, discuss preparations. And there are many things that we might go wrong in electoral strategy. Out of the expected number of 80 MPs, 72 MPs were obtained. Where did the missing part go? How did it disappear?

When asked to repeat Is there any talk about setting up a flipping game? Mr. Anutin said that we are the third party. The pressure has not reached us yet. It’s about the number one party. In this case, the first party and the second party Announced that they would be together, just 2 parties, together more than half what are we going to do we must stay Pursuing his current duty as an MP

When asked whether he was ready and rehearsing to be the leader of the opposition, Mr Anutin said that every role was an important position. Who has never been in the opposition? All major parties have gone through the opposition and the government. As for the nomination for the chairmanship of the Council, I would like to confirm that there is no Bhumjaithai Party. We try to make everything go smoothly. The council can be opened so that we can go to work in the council.

Some senators say There may be a political polarity reversal. Mr. Anutin said he did not look because he had not heard about it. Everything still proceeded as normal. Each person doing their best. Let there be no story Don’t do anything to cause chaos.

When asked if Bhumjaithai’s guidelines would be clear before the meeting to vote on the chairman of the council and the prime minister, Mr Anutin said that after completing the report after the ceremony, he thought that a meeting should be called in 1-2 days. Discuss how If anyone is a candidate for the president of the council We have to see where we are that day. Does our side have any nominations? Must look at every probability context. See who the top party has nominated. We are the third party If we were to move like the first and second party, it might be interpreted as chaos. I don’t want to be the person causing chaos. This is not the way of working for the Bhumjaithai Party anyway. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency