Integrated labor union of 4 Samsung units to set sail

SEOUL, A labor union comprising workers of four Samsung Group affiliates will officially set sail next month, industry sources said Wednesday.

The unionized workers held their first intercompany labor union meeting earlier in the day to make an internal announcement of the union’s establishment, according to the sources.

The Samsung affiliates are Samsung Electronics Co.’s device experience (DX) division, Samsung Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Samsung Display Co. and Samsung Biologics Co.

The integrated union, the first of its kind, plans to officially begin its activities in February, with about 13,000 members, including 6,000 members from Samsung Electronics DX, 3,000 from Samsung Fire, 3,000 from Samsung Display and 1,600 from Samsung Biologics.

Until now, Samsung only had an alliance of individual labor unions from different affiliates.

The integrated union is expected to become one of the biggest labor groups under Samsung Group, South Korea’s top conglomerate, after the National Samsung Electronic
s Labor Union, which has a membership of around 14,000.

Unionists of Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., another Samsung unit, were also considering joining the integrated union, according to the sources.

Source: Yonhap News Agency