Vocational training revitalization boosts HR’s improvement: Minister

Education or vocational training must be able to answer the needs of a very dynamic job market Jakarta (ANTARA) – Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah affirmed that the revitalization of vocational training was one of the government’s breakthroughs in improving human resources (HR).In a statement received here on Monday, Fauziyah stated that vocational training revitalization has three advantages, with the first being shortening the training duration as compared to formal education, using demand-driven based for training, and third, offering inclusive vocational training for all groups that can be combined with other social safety net program. “These three advantages can be a solution for the Indonesian workforce that is still dominated by elementary and middle school graduates,” she noted at the inauguration of the Ministry of Manpower’s Vocational Building in Jakarta on Sunday. Moreover, the revitalization of vocational education and training is in accordance with the government’s effort to realize superior HR toward a Golden Indonesia 2045 as stated in Presidential Decree Number 68 of 2022, she remarked. “This presidential regulation aims to increase access, quality, and relevance of the provision of vocational education and training in accordance with the needs of the job market,” Fauziyah remarked. She also said that the newly inaugurated Vocational Building under the Directorate General of Vocational Training and Productivity Development will be used to facilitate the community to access vocational training. “We hope the building can provide more access to the entire community for training and also to stakeholders,” she stated. Earlier, she addressed that vocational education and training should be able to address the needs of the job market to respond to the demographic bonus. “We have so many people in the productive age that need to enter the job market. They also need to prepare their competencies. Education or vocational training must be able to answer the needs of a very dynamic job market,” she remarked. The minister drew attention to the existing mismatch in the output of education or training that failed to meet the requirements of the job market. “With this revitalization, we hope that the output from vocational education or training can answer the job market needs,” she remarked.

Source: Antara News Agency